
Mental Health

Mental Health
Mental Health


Mental health covers a broad spectrum, and people can be affected in many different ways.

How well a person responds to certain situations can be contributed to by the way their overall well-being, emotions and psyche reacts. The way that social situations, stress and everyday choices are dealt with are often determined by our individual personalities which are shaped from a young age as we experience life in general.

Many people have a positive outlook on life and are able to manage their mental health. These people will often realise their potential, approach situations with a degree of confidence, cope with stress, work productively and make positive contributions within their immediate world. This doesn’t mean these people are particularly extroverted or self-assured, but they are generally happy, content and find ways to cope in times of difficulty.

There is no one set of symptoms that establishes if a person is struggling with their mental health, but changes in personality or uncharacteristic behaviour often arise, such as: drinking / smoking excessively, appearing low and depressed, drug taking, eating too much / too little, sleeping too much / or too little, mood swings, heightened emotions (angry, sad, worried, forgetful, confused), low / no energy, inability to function normally, regularly arguing with family members, feelings of inadequacy, negative thoughts / memories, hearing voices and feeling the need to harm oneself.

Developing mental health issues are mainly brought on by trauma or abuse, a change in circumstance (e.g. losing a job or breakdown of a relationship) or from genetics or brain chemistry. For some people mental health issues will run in the family.

Certain medical conditions such as: Autism, ADHD, Bipolar, anxiety, PTSD, schizophrenia and depression can influence how a person views the world and how the brain reacts to it.

Medication and therapy will often help to regulate the functioning of the brain in these circumstances, which will be monitored through an on-going treatment plan.

In many cases of mental health problems a personalised plan of action may include: medication (such as antidepressants), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), alternative / complementary therapy and talking treatments. Whichever method is most suitable, The One Clinic’s doctors are ready to listen and to help.

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