Health & Wellbeing

GP Home Visits Leicester

GP Home Visits The One Clinic Leicester
GP Home Visits The One Clinic Leicester

At a Glance

Expected Outcome:

Continuity of care

Appointment Time:

Approx. 30 minutes

Appointment Type:



As directed


A private GP home visit in the Leicester area can be arranged when a patient is concerned with their general health and / or well-being.

Our doctors can discuss the same issues that are discussed at the clinic, which may include: skin conditions, infections, auto-immune diseases, respiratory conditions, joint / muscular pain, dementia, diabetes, alzheimers, hypertension and mental health issues.

The main reason for The One Clinic providing GP home visits within our service is to ensure continuity of care to our patients who have difficulty, or are unable to visit the clinic in person, and need to see a doctor.

This service is particularly beneficial to older people who have mobility issues, or those who have a functional disability. Our doctors are able to conduct uncomplicated examinations, have a full discussion and provide the patient with a suitable treatment option. As private GPs we are able to issue private prescriptions, and make any necessary referrals to an appropriate medical professional.

Patients who are receiving end-of-life care find our home visits especially beneficial, and are often vital as part of their on-going care. Although we generally tend to keep appointment times to around 30 minutes, this can be extended if required.
Our doctors are fully registered with the GMC, are fully insured and have undergone high levels of training.


Who is suitable for a home visit?

If you wish to see a doctor at The One Clinic but will find it difficult to visit us in person, we may consider you as a suitable candidate for a GP home visit. Our doctors may need to speak with you (either on the phone or on-line) to find out if you meet the criteria, taking your individual circumstances into account.

What are the benefits?

A GP home visit from The One Clinic is arranged when it is considered to be in the best interests of your health and well-being. Our doctors are highly trained, experienced professionals who are fully registered with the GMC, and are fully insured. Visiting you at home means you have access to great health care and treatment.

Will I see the same practitioner?

As a close team of professionals, all The One Clinic’s doctors will become familiar to you. However, we do like to ensure that where possible, our patients are cared for by the same practitioner.

Will I always be seen at home?

GP Home Visits are designed for those who physically can not attend the clinic in person, but require a face-to-face examination. In some cases this is due to the specific concern / condition which may not always be on-going. Therefore, in-clinic appointments can resume.

Will I need to be seen frequently?

The frequency of a GP home visit depends on the individual patient; their specific concerns and their personal circumstances.

Who is suitable for a home visit?

If you wish to see a doctor at The One Clinic but will find it difficult to visit us in person, we may consider you as a suitable candidate for a GP home visit. Our doctors may need to speak with you (either on the phone or on-line) to find out if you meet the criteria, taking your individual circumstances into account.

What are the benefits?

A GP home visit from The One Clinic is arranged when it is considered to be in the best interests of your health and well-being. Our doctors are highly trained, experienced professionals who are fully registered with the GMC, and are fully insured. Visiting you at home means you have access to great health care and treatment.

Will I see the same practitioner?

As a close team of professionals, all The One Clinic’s doctors will become familiar to you. However, we do like to ensure that where possible, our patients are cared for by the same practitioner.

Will I always be seen at home?

GP Home Visits are designed for those who physically can not attend the clinic in person, but require a face-to-face examination. In some cases this is due to the specific concern / condition which may not always be on-going. Therefore, in-clinic appointments can resume.

Will I need to be seen frequently?

The frequency of a GP home visit depends on the individual patient; their specific concerns and their personal circumstances.

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