As people are generally living longer, longevity medicine strives to enhance quality of life. By comprehensively understanding ageing processes, it aims to promote a healthy lifestyle, prevent diseases and promote overall wellbeing.
This field integrates various disciplines – genetics, biotechnology, and lifestyle interventions – to unravel the complexities of ageing. The goal isn’t merely to add years but to ensure healthy, vibrant longevity. Research focuses on cellular rejuvenation, regenerative therapies, and personalised medicine. By improving the healthy, active years of individuals, longevity medicine revolutionises healthcare standards, improving the well-being of people as they get older.
At The One Clinic we employ diverse methods, such as predictive blood test and Cancer screening test to help and diagnose medical problem and use risk scores ie Qrisk to predict cardio vascular risk so that we can proactively manage medical conditions.
We may also take a personalised approach, utilising precision medicine, tailoring treatment options based on an individual’s genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors. These methods work to repair cellular damage, promoting healthy cell function, and customising interventions for each person.
Longevity medicine addresses a spectrum of age-related concerns, focusing on conditions prevalent in ageing populations. It can be used to target diseases like cardiovascular issues, osteoporosis, age-related macular degeneration, and metabolic disorders (e.g. diabetes).
Additionally, it aims to counter cellular senescence (cell growth and division), inflammation, and immune system decline. As well as improved health and functioning, enhancing one’s aesthetics can also benefit. Personalised treatment plans can be devised to help create a more youthful appearance, reducing conditions such as: lines and wrinkles, facial volume loss, uneven skin tone and texture, skin laxity, pigmentation and hair loss.