The One Clinic performs minor surgery in the Leicester area for a range of conditions, including: epidermal cysts, lipoma, benign skin lesions (non-cancerous), basal cell carcinoma (BCC), in-grown toe-nails, skin tags and haemorrhoids. A person can feel unhappy when one of these concerns appears, with some of these irregularities also causing some slight discomfort.
We will always carry out a thorough assessment of the concerning lump, bump or skin lesion before we recommend the most suitable skin treatment option. For many of these irregularities, including: cysts, skin lesions, BCC and lipoma, an excision procedure is suggested. This often requires the use of a local anaesthetic before making an incision in the skin and removing the required amount of skin and tissue.
Other methods of removal, such as: cryotherapy (removal treatment for warts), curettage and cautery, and shave or punch excision (treatment for skin tags, moles or tumours) will also be considered, depending on the concern. With in-grown toenails, the edges of the nail are cut away. In severe cases we may also need to address the surrounding skin. When it is necessary to surgically remove haemorrhoids, a haemorrhoidectomy is performed, whereby the anus is gently opened and the haemorrhoids are cut out. This procedure usually requires a general anaesthetic.
Although skin lesions are often unwanted, they do not always cause the body harm. However, to be sure that an irregularity has not appeared because of an underlying condition, we will always send away the removed lesion for testing. This will determine if there are any abnormal / cancerous cells, which may require further treatment. In the case of removing in-grown toenails and haemorrhoids, the patient will live life much more comfortably.