Health & Wellbeing

Vampire Facial

Vampire Facial Leicester
Vampire Facial Leicester

At a Glance

Expected Outcome:

Skin rejuvenation

Appointment Time:

Approx. 60 - 90 minutes

Appointment Type:



Every 3 - 4 months


Vampire Facial is a treatment at our Leicester clinic to improve the appearance of facial scars, wrinkles and other skin problems.

The treatment uses a natural substance that comes from that patient’s own blood hence getting the nickname of a vampire treatment. It is rich in platelets and stem cells that help stimulate new cell growth in the body and repair damaged tissue. The discovery of this therapy has revolutionised the way medicine approaches many common concerns, addressing conditions such as: sports injuries, post-surgical healing, scarring, skin ageing and hyperpigmentation.

The concentration of growth factors in this treatment is higher than other medications used in skin rejuvenation treatments. The One Clinic frequently uses this treatment to improve the look and feel of the skin, as a concentrated dose of growth factors can dramatically improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

What Happens in a Vampire Facial?

During treatment, a small amount of blood is drawn from your arm using a needle. The blood is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red and white blood cells. The concentrated plasma is then injected into your skin to stimulate collagen regrowth and encourage healing of damaged skin.

Here at The One Clinic a thorough consultation will establish how a Vampire Facial can help improve your appearance. It can be used to enhance the results of your usual skincare routine, and provides a long lasting outcome.

Vampire Facial Price in Leicester for Face or Hair Rejuvenation from just £210/session or £599 for 3 sessions package



Am I suitable for Vampire treatment?

Your concerns will be assessed at a private pre-treatment consultation. In most cases it is found to be suitable when looking to rejuvenate the skin’s texture and tone.

Is this treatment safe?

This therapy uses the patient’s own blood. This makes the treatment very safe, with a low risk of adverse side effects.

Is a Vampire Facial treatment painful?

A series of injections can be uncomfortable, with some feeling it more than others. The One Clinic will offer the use of a topical numbing to help ease any discomfort which will be discussed at consultation.

What can I expect after treatment?

The treatment area may look red and slightly swollen, with small puncture wounds on the skin. Side effects can last for a few days, and the results will develop over a period of a few months.

Is there any aftercare to consider?

Our experts will give you the best skincare advice for your potentially sensitive skin. This will include avoiding prolonged sun exposure, and making sure you apply a high SPF (50 or more) before going outside.

How many Vampire treatment sessions will I need?

The amount of treatment sessions you’ll need will depend on your individual circumstances. We typically recommend a course of up to 3 sessions, carried out 1 month apart, to achieve the best result.

Am I suitable for Vampire treatment?

Your concerns will be assessed at a private pre-treatment consultation. In most cases it is found to be suitable when looking to rejuvenate the skin’s texture and tone.

Is this treatment safe?

This therapy uses the patient’s own blood. This makes the treatment very safe, with a low risk of adverse side effects.

Is a Vampire Facial treatment painful?

A series of injections can be uncomfortable, with some feeling it more than others. The One Clinic will offer the use of a topical numbing to help ease any discomfort which will be discussed at consultation.

What can I expect after treatment?

The treatment area may look red and slightly swollen, with small puncture wounds on the skin. Side effects can last for a few days, and the results will develop over a period of a few months.

Is there any aftercare to consider?

Our experts will give you the best skincare advice for your potentially sensitive skin. This will include avoiding prolonged sun exposure, and making sure you apply a high SPF (50 or more) before going outside.

How many Vampire treatment sessions will I need?

The amount of treatment sessions you’ll need will depend on your individual circumstances. We typically recommend a course of up to 3 sessions, carried out 1 month apart, to achieve the best result.

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